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FSA Health & Wellbeing offer a range of options for group programs and support, based on the varied skillset and training of our team. To register your interest in our groups, click through to complete a short registration form. We offer groups on a 'by demand basis', with enrolments open until required numbers are reached.
Self- and plan-managed NDIS participants are welcome to use their packages toward groups if eligible. Medicare rebates may be available to group participants with a referral from your GP (where a minimum of four participants are registered to attend). You can also discuss with your private health insurer if group therapies are included in your cover.
The LEGO® logo, SERIOUS PLAY®, Imaginopedia™, the Minifigure and the Brick and Knob configurations are trademarks of the LEGO® Group, which does not sponsor, authorise, or endorse this therapeutic group. This has to be at the bottom of any advertisements using LEGO
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