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Goulburn Mental Health Hub provides a welcoming point of entry to mental health support for the community of Goulburn-Mulwaree LGA (Gundungurra and Ngunnawal Country), and surrounds.


Funded by the South East NSW Primary Health Network (COORDINARE), the Goulburn Mental Health Hub will provide no cost mental health services to eligible consumers of aged 16 years and older


Services provided include:


  • Intake Assessment and service navigation 

  • Peer Support

  • Counselling and therapeutic support with an accredited Mental Health Clinician

  • Case management 


Goulburn Mental Health Hub currently has availability for referrals, which can be accepted via:



All referrers and consumers can view our easy-to-read guide on the Consumer Journey to assist with referral. 


Consumer Journey - Goulburn Mental Health Hub


Downloadable Flyer


What is Peer Support?

Although no situation is the same, we have been through hardships and adversity associated with mental health illness and are here to support and help you through this difficult time. Peer support workers understand the difficulties of navigating through the stigma. With 1 in 4 Australians experiencing issues with mental health, and only a third seeking help at Goulburn Mental Health Hub our Peer Workers are here to listen, empower and advocate for you. Alongside our clinicians we will provide emotional and practical support, helping you to set reasonable goals to your recovery, create recovery plans and provide you with the skills to assist with preventing relapse. Our commitment is completely non-judgemental, and we will always hold you with positive regard. We aim to provide you with the hope that recovery is possible.


This service is funded by

If you would like to provide feedback on your experience of this service, please follow this link. (select 'Health & Wellbeing as the service stream') 


All feedback collected is anonymous and confidential.

An initiative of

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© 2024 Family Services Australia. All rights reserved.

ABN 47 907 536 122


Phone 1800 372 000 (Option 2)


      Address 1 Lamerton Crescent, Shellharbour City Centre NSW 2529

Postal Address PO Box 291, Shellharbour City Centre NSW 2529


We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live and work, and of the many different nations across the wider regions from which we all come. We pay our respects to the Elders, past and present as the holders of the memories, the traditions, the culture, and the spiritual well-being of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the nation. 


Family Services Australia is a registered ‘Welcoming Place’ through ACON's ‘Welcome Here Project’.

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